It was a little chilly that day, so we bundled up with the froggy hat and baby backpack and headed out.
Watered the strawberry plants. They're still so small, but trying bravely to come back from winter and pregnant momma's neglect last summer.
Sunflowers are starting to poke thru! Giant Grey...should be tall and beautiful soon.
This is a bareroot rhubarb plant. The part that had sprouted while it was in my kitchen has died back, but a new sprout is emerging. No harvesting this year, gotta let those roots set up!
Baby Kale! They're still so tiny, but I can already taste the kale chips. Yummmmmmyy...
This is my tomato/pepper bed. My little helper was out assisting me in laying out the soaker hoses for watering. The bricks are just for weight until they settle. They weren't used last year and have been all coiled up, so they really didn't want to behave and lay straight for me just quite yet.
Here's the start of setting up the Wall-O-Waters. Set down a five gallon bucket (upside down and over the plant if you planted first, I'm pre-warming the soil so there's no plant yet).
Pop your Wall-O-Water around the bucket and begin to fill each tube like you would tighten a tire's lug nuts. 12-6-9-3, etc until filled.
Here's what it'll look like when you're done filling. Lovely.
Slide the bucket out carefully, and straighten it up, if needed.
The tops will tend to collapse in a bit, giving it a "tepee" look. Perfect! It'll be ready in no time for my little seedlings, with a mini-greenhouse for each one! Now, only 18 more to go...
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